The Phone Surprise

A wife decided to check her husband’s phone and was shocked to find contacts saved under names like:

  • ‘The Tender One’
  • ‘The Amazing One’
  • ‘Lady of My Dreams’

First Call: The Tender One

Feeling suspicious, she called the first number. To her relief, it was his mother who answered.

Second Call: The Amazing One

She then dialed the second number and discovered it was his sister.

Third Call: Lady of My Dreams

Nervously, she called the third number, only to hear her own phone ring.

Realization and Regret

Understanding she had misjudged her husband, she was overcome with guilt and cried until her eyes were swollen. To apologize, she gave him her entire month’s salary.

The Twist

However, the husband used this money to buy a gift for his girlfriend, whose number was cleverly saved under ‘Uncle Mike the Mechanic.’

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