An odd animal cub was saved by a man, and as it grew older, it became a great companion!

Jeffrey Longo, a resident of Florida, stumbled upon a tiny creature one day during his neighborhood stroll. The small animal lay motionless on the sidewalk, breathing heavily. Curious and concerned, Jeffrey took a closer look and found it no larger than his index finger.

Realizing the creature needed urgent medical attention to survive, Jeffrey snapped a picture and turned to the internet for help in identifying it. With the collective wisdom of online users, he identified the tiny being as a newborn flying squirrel.

Taking on the role of caregiver, Jeffrey named the little squirrel Cookie and began nursing her back to health. In the initial months, Cookie stayed close to Jeffrey, often nestled in his breast pocket. As she grew stronger, Cookie started exploring her surroundings and formed a special bond with Jeffrey’s two dogs, who welcomed her into their pack.

Initially planning to release Cookie into the wild once she was ready, Jeffrey learned from vets that she wouldn’t be able to survive on her own. Instead, he decided to provide Cookie with a loving forever home, ensuring she receives all the care she needs.

Jeffrey’s act of kindness not only saved Cookie’s life but also enriched his own. Cookie has become a cherished member of Jeffrey’s family, bringing joy and companionship to his home. Their bond is a testament to the power of compassion and the remarkable relationships that can develop between humans and animals.

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