A House of Royal Proportions

In the world of real estate, it’s often said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What one person finds stunning, another might find repulsive. A recent listing in the UK is a prime example of this phenomenon. The house in question boasts four bedrooms, a master suite, a garage, and a beautifully manicured garden. However, it’s the interior that’s left potential buyers scratching their heads.

At first glance, the exterior of the house appears perfectly normal. But step inside, and you’re immediately immersed in a sea of purple. The walls, carpets, furniture – everything is a deep, rich purple. While some people might appreciate the boldness of this design choice, others find it overwhelming.

The purple theme extends to every aspect of the house, including the floors, ceilings, and curtains. Even the closet doors in the master suite are a deep purple. While it might be easy to paint over the walls, replacing fixtures like closet doors could be a costly and time-consuming endeavor.

The bathroom is a bit of a departure from the rest of the house, with white tiles featuring purple floral details. However, the bathtub and surrounding areas are still adorned with shaggy purple carpeting.

Given the house’s unique interior design, it’s no wonder that potential buyers are hesitant to make an offer. With an asking price of $5 million, you’d think that the house would be snapped up in no time. But unless the buyer is a die-hard fan of the color purple, it’s likely that the house will remain on the market for a while longer.

So, would you be able to live in a house surrounded by so much purple?

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