Husband Begs for Pardon on His Knees After Several Months After Leaving His Wife of Nearly 50 Years

A “savage” wife gave her husband a harsh lesson after he left her for a fling with a young brunette.

“Divorce? John, you can’t be serious! And you want a fair share?” Nicky erupted, almost falling out of her chair when her husband announced he was “tired” of their dull life and wanted to live freely.

John smirked. “Oh, Nicky, you saw this coming. There’s nothing between us anymore. I don’t want to waste my life sulking with you. I want to be free and find someone beautiful and lively, not a lifeless person like you! So yes, I’m divorcing you.”

“And you think I’ll just let you go? Think again, John!” Nicky snapped. “You want to be free, huh? Well, I’m not signing any divorce papers, and you won’t get a dime, let alone a share!”

“You can’t do that, Nicky! If you don’t sign willingly, I’ll force you to!”

Nicky laughed. “Poor Johnny! What will you do? Bring your young flings home? They won’t take care of you like I did! For 47 years, I raised our kids while you lazed around. You think you can just walk away? Never!”

Karma catches up with everyone.

“Well,” John said, checking his watch. “I’m off to Mexico in an hour, for six months. I used almost all our joint savings for the trip.

“Let’s see if you still refuse the divorce or struggle to make ends meet and beg me for money. After all, what can a stay-at-home wife like you do without money? Enjoy your time, honey,” he sneered. “I’m looking forward to Mexico!”

“What? That money was mine too, John! How dare you use it without telling me?”

“I knew you’d make a fuss about the divorce, Nicky. That’s why I planned it this way!”

John packed his bags and left, dropping the divorce papers on his way out. “Sign them if you don’t want your life to be hell,” he added before leaving.

Nicky cried as John walked out. He wasn’t the best husband, but discovering he was cheating with younger women who didn’t want anything serious broke her heart. She didn’t want the divorce. After their kids moved out, she only had John. Even after learning of his infidelity, she hoped things would improve, but they didn’t. Now, John wanted a divorce, but she wasn’t going to let him get away with it this time.

Three months later…

Nicky was in the living room, enjoying raspberry tea and cookies, frequently checking her watch. When the doorbell rang, she was shocked to see John at the door. “What are you doing here? Weren’t you supposed to be in Mexico?”

“Oh, Nicky! I’m so sorry for everything!” he begged on his knees. “Please forgive me. I was wrong to leave you.”

Nicky was stunned. “John, what happened? Calm down, let’s talk inside.”

“Oh, Nicky! I met a young girl, Maddison,” he started once they were inside. “She was beautiful, and I thought she loved me. We spent two months in Mexico… but she conned me! She took all my money! I did everything for her and her kids, thinking she loved me, but it was all a scam!”

“Oh, dear!” Nicky gasped. “That’s terrible…”

The doorbell rang again. “Just a minute, John,” Nicky said, going to the door.

“What’s going on, Nicky? What – What are you doing here?” John was shocked to see Maddison on the porch. “Nicky! She’s the one who robbed me!”

The two women exchanged glances and laughed.

“Alright, John! I know everything. Meet Mandy – or Maddison. She’s my friend’s daughter who helped me gather evidence against you! I warned you, John, that you’d regret this! I tracked your hotel using Facebook and called Maddison for help. It was all a setup, and you fell for it!”

“What?” John exploded. “You did this on purpose? You’ll regret this, Nicky!”

“No, John,” Nicky shouted. “You’re the one who will regret it. Take your luggage and leave my house immediately! And yes, I’m divorcing you, you jerk! And I’ll make sure you don’t get a single cent! Get out of my house NOW!”

John left, mumbling angrily. Nicky thanked Mandy, and the two enjoyed a cup of raspberry tea, laughing about how well their plan worked.

A few months later, Nicky and John were divorced. When their children found out what happened, they sided with their mother, mocking their father for his behavior.

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