People Reveal Their Deepest Stories of Revenge

1. The Office Nemesis A woman endured constant mistreatment from her superior. After being passed over for a promotion she deserved, she meticulously documented every violation of company policy her boss committed. When she presented this to HR, her boss was promptly fired.

2. The Ex’s Car A man found out his girlfriend was cheating on him. Heartbroken and angry, he decided to fill her car’s ventilation system with shrimp. As they rotted, the stench made the car unbearable, and she never discovered the source.

3. Roommate’s Dog Living with a roommate who let their dog mess everywhere, a man decided to train the dog to prefer his roommate’s shoes over using the bathroom on the floor. The dog complied, and the roommate had to constantly replace ruined shoes.

4. High School Bully In high school, a girl faced relentless bullying. She worked hard, got into a top university, and years later became the bully’s boss. She found satisfaction in seeing him struggle to meet her professional expectations.

5. Parking Wars A neighbor continually parked in someone else’s assigned spot. The wronged individual decided to block the neighbor’s car in with their vehicle, forcing them to pay for a taxi to get to work. This happened multiple times until the neighbor learned their lesson.

6. Wedding Sabotage A man discovered his fiancée was unfaithful just before their wedding. Instead of calling it off, he decided to go through with it and humiliated her by revealing her infidelity to all the guests during his vows.

7. Backstabbing Colleague After being thrown under the bus by a colleague, a man waited for the right moment. He collected evidence of the colleague’s misconduct and anonymously submitted it to upper management, resulting in the colleague’s termination.

8. Customer Service Revenge A customer service representative faced an abusive caller daily. After learning the caller’s routine, the representative managed to get them blacklisted from calling the company for support, leaving them frustrated and without assistance.

9. The Landlord’s Lesson A tenant dealing with an unreasonable landlord decided to vacate without informing him, leaving behind a house filled with live crickets. The infestation drove the landlord mad and took months to resolve.

10. Academic Payback In college, a student’s professor unfairly graded her work. She meticulously checked all her professor’s published papers, found instances of plagiarism, and reported them, leading to the professor’s academic disgrace.

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