Wife’s Revelation after Husband’s Surprising Separation Request

A woman, who shared her story online on February 3, 2024, faced a shocking turn in her 13-year marriage. Her husband, once seemingly content, suddenly expressed dissatisfaction with his job and planned to move across the country. Amid this planning, he also requested a separation, citing her faults in a bewildering rant.

As she delved deeper, she discovered that her husband had been in constant contact with a recently divorced old friend, exchanging an astonishing 500 messages a day. This friend was instrumental in helping him secure the potential job.

Despite his intentions, the wife was labeled “NTA” (Not the Asshole) by many online. They supported her for standing up against his sudden demands, especially given her past sacrifices for his career. She questioned the impact of uprooting their lives, particularly their children’s, for his sake.

Her husband’s trip for a job interview turned into a four-day excursion, raising further suspicions. She uncovered evidence suggesting his intent to engage in an affair. When confronted, he defensively claimed he had been unhappy for 15 years.

In the end, the internet community rallied behind her. They encouraged her to consider divorce and maintain custody of their children, highlighting that she shouldn’t have to sacrifice her stability and support network for his dubious plans.

What do you think about this situation? Should she move across the country for him, or is she right to stand her ground? If you were in her shoes, what would you do? Share your thoughts!

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