New Nostradamus’ Makes Terrifying Prediction – And It’s Just Days Away

Kushal Kumar, an Indian astrologer, has made a startling claim that has sent shockwaves around the world. Dubbed the “new Nostradamus,” Kumar predicts a catastrophic event that could change the course of history.

Like the legendary Nostradamus, Kumar uses astrology to foresee global events. His recent predictions have been eerily accurate, including the escalation of tensions between Israel and Hamas, and the rise of conflict on the Korean peninsula.

Kumar’s latest prophecy is his most dire yet. He warns that World War III could break out in a matter of days, citing a combination of planetary alignments and current geopolitical tensions. He specifically points to June 18th and June 29th as potential doomsdays.

While Kumar’s predictions may seem far-fetched, they align with concerns expressed by world leaders like Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has warned of a “dangerous turn of events” that could lead to a global catastrophe.

Kumar’s warnings are based on his interpretation of Vedic astrology, an ancient Hindu practice that uses planetary alignments to predict future events. He believes that an “unintended human error” could lead to a nuclear disaster, and urges world leaders to take action to prevent it.

As the world watches with bated breath, Kumar’s predictions serve as a stark reminder of the fragility of global peace. Will his prophecy come to pass, or is it a cautionary tale meant to spur leaders into action? Only time will tell.

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