Sleep Saboteurs: 5 Hidden Reasons You Can’t Catch Those Z’s

Are restless nights leaving you feeling drained? Identify and tackle these five common sleep disruptors to reclaim your restful slumber.

Screen Time Before Bed

The blue glow of your phone can significantly disrupt sleep patterns. Try a digital detox for at least an hour before bedtime and opt for a relaxing read instead.

Racing Thoughts and Anxiety

A stressed mind struggles to unwind. Calm your thoughts with meditation, deep breathing, or a warm bath to ease into a peaceful slumber.

Midnight Trips to the Bathroom

Limit fluids before bedtime and make a final bathroom stop right before sleep to minimize interruptions.

Caffeine and Alcohol Traps

Caffeine’s effects can linger for hours, so avoid coffee after 2 p.m. While alcohol might induce sleep, it compromises REM sleep quality, leading to frequent wake-ups.

Insomnia’s Grip

Establish a consistent sleep routine to overcome insomnia. If struggles persist, consult your doctor for personalized guidance and support.

By recognizing and addressing these sleep saboteurs, you’ll be well on your way to rejuvenating rest and waking up refreshed.

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