Bratty Kid Kicks Their Airplane Seat So He Teaches His Family A Lesson

Even though flying is one of the easiest ways to get around, it doesn’t always go smoothly. In some cases, the flight won’t go as planned, but you have to stay the course once it starts.

A child being unruly on a flight is one of the issues we might face. Whether it’s an older child or a baby screaming, you want some peace and quiet when they are bothering you.

This story, which was shared on Reddit, contains that information. On the plane, there was a boy who kept kicking the chair in front of him, and his family was about to learn a lesson.

Required: Sorry for the layout, I’m on my phone

It happened a few years ago, when my dad and I (14f) were flying back from India. People with their son behind me and their mother behind my dad were standing behind us.

No one was feeling well after the trip at night. It was also a small, low-cost plane with not much space for legs. The child behind me starts to kick my seat about 10 minutes into the trip. For the record, he wasn’t very little—maybe 9 or 10 years old. He stops after my dad asks him nicely, which he does for about 10 seconds. We try telling him again, this time with more force, but it doesn’t work.

Now the payback begins. He leans back in his seat all the way, and when they tell him to straighten it up, he doesn’t. The disrespectful dad (JD) talks to the flight attendant (FA).

A man sat down, making my wife uncomfortable (JD).

FA asked my dad, “Would you like to turn it down?”

My dad said, “Yes please.”

Therefore, he may do so if he so desires. That is not his issue. Take care on your flight.

He walks away, leaving the dad swearing and sputtering.

Have a good time!

Update: I’m sorry, I didn’t give a good ending, which made a lot of you sad. When the parents noticed what was going on, they told the child in a harsh voice to stop kicking. They still looked at me, my dad, and the flight attendant who walked by, though. After another hour, my dad did leave the seat down. But he got up when he was sure the parents had learned their lesson.

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