Christina Applegate Spends Her Days Alone In Bed Watching TV

Christina Applegate has definitely been through her ups and downs like many other famous people. In fact, her health has gotten so bad in the last few years that she says she’s afraid to take any more baths.

The last time she had health issues was a while ago. She had to quit acting after being told she had multiple sclerosis and has been depending on her husband and daughter for support ever since.

Applegate was famous in the 1980s, so you may know her. The actress always brought something interesting to the screen, whether she was in Married with Children or another movie.

But everything changed when she had a double mastectomy in 2008. Part of the reason was a cancer fear, and it was really a precaution because she might have cancer.

In 2007, she also had surgery to remove her ovaries and fallopian tubes. After that, she had a health problem three years later and told her friends about it. In August 2021, Applegate, who was 49 years old at the time, said she had multiple sclerosis.

She suddenly found it hard to go to work every day, but she kept doing her job until the end of the year. We had to help her get around in a wheelchair and use a cane to keep her balance and support her.

Her health eventually led her to decide to stop acting and focus on her health. She said she most likely wouldn’t work on camera again, but she was thankful for the chance to work with some great people.

Christie Applegate said in 2023 that she was going to do dubbing work to make some money. It makes her sick to think about going back to the set because the disease will only get worse over time.

At this point in her life, she has trouble moving around, and she needs her wheelchair or cane to get around. She hasn’t had a good day since she was told she has multiple sclerosis, but some days are better than others.

She also had to change some of the things she did to keep from getting hurt. For example, she stopped taking showers because she was afraid of slipping and falling. She doesn’t move around as much because of that fear, and she spends most of the day in bed watching TV.

Things that need to be brought downstairs are put at the top of the stairs by her, but she can’t do it herself. In her house, they call it “purgatory.”

The former actress has trouble with even easy things like putting on a bra. She is grateful that Kim Kardashian’s clothing line made clothes that can be worn by people who have trouble moving around.

In these kinds of situations, you start to think about your life and often feel like you didn’t value the little things.

“No one knew I was going to get sick, gain 40 pounds from the medicine, and not be able to move,” she said. It was hard for me to keep my own feelings from getting in the way of what Jen was feeling. There were a lot of words that were hard to say.

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