All My Bridesmaids Objected at My Wedding except One

I believed my wedding day would be one of the best times in my life. I was one of those girls who thought about her wedding for hours on end.

A little girl playing dress up | Source: Midjourney

A little girl having fun with dress-up | Source: Midjourney
I would sit with my phone in my hand and make notes while watching romantic comedies. I would picture my dream wedding. I would get thoughts for the dress, the magical place, and even the cake that looked too good to cut.

A woman watching TV | Source: Pixabay

A woman while she watches TV | Source: Pixabay
I had every desire.

Because of this, when Tim asked me to marry him, I already had my dream wedding planned.

A man proposing | Source: Pixabay

A guy making a proposal | Source: Pixabay
When Tim and I were in bed one day, I told him, “Our wedding is going to be the best one yet.”

“I have no doubt at all, Amber,” he said with a smile.

A couple lying in bed | Source: Pexels

Two people lying down in bed | Source: Pexels
I called my best friends from across the country and asked them to be my girls. I couldn’t have done it without them. They were there with us the whole time when Tim and I met in college.

We sat down and planned everything together, and I had full faith in them.

A group of friends sitting together | Source: Pexels

This picture shows a group of friends sitting together.
Until they did everything to make me doubt them.

We were at the altar on the big day, just after Tim and I said our vows. It was really close. We were almost married. We were almost married.

A priest holding a bride and groom | Source: Pexels

A priest with a bride and groom in his arms | Source: Pexels
The priest said, “If anyone is against this marriage, speak up now or never speak again.”

The room was quiet, so I looked around for someone to speak up.

A close-up of a bride | Source: Pexels

“We don’t agree!” yelled three of my girls.

The picture shows a close-up of a bride.
Everyone began to whisper and gasp.

A close-up of a crying woman | Source: Pexels

The three maids of honor looked at each other and then at my fourth maid of honor, Sara.

Sara shook her head and blinked back tears.

The face of a woman who is crying | Got it from Pexels
She asked, “Are you guys crazy?”

A wedding cake topper | Source: Pixabay

Aubrey, my maid of honor, said, “Sara.” “We talked about this; you know what’s going on!”

“Check out the cake!” Mel yelled. “Is there something it makes you think of?”

A smiling woman in a white dress | Source: Pixabay

A cake topper for a wedding | Source: Pixabay
When Sara looked at the wedding cake, her face turned pale, like she remembered something important.

It all went exactly as I had planned.

Do you want to know what’s going on?

An aerial view of a coffee shop | Source: Pexels

A woman in a white dress who is happy | Source: Pixabay
Audrey, Grace, and Mel, my girls, set up a meeting at a coffee shop a week ago. They looked at me with angry faces when I walked in.

Audrey called out, “Amber.” “Something needs to be talked about.”

A high-tea setting | Source: Unsplash

A view of a coffee shop from above | Source: Pexels
What did I think they were going to talk about? A bachelorette party, maybe? I knew they were going to plan one for me, but I didn’t want one.

My friends and family told me that a special high tea would be a great way for them to surprise me.

An aerial view of coffee and cake | Source: Pexels

A place to have high tea | Source: Unsplash
They told me something I didn’t think I would hear, though. Not about Tim, anyway.

Grace got coffee and big pieces of cake for all of us.

A close-up of a shocked woman | Source: Pixabay

A view of coffee and cake from above | Source: Pexels
Aubrey said, “We saw Ellie with Tim.” “They were holding hands and kissing as they walked.”

I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t know how to breathe for a second.

“Do you mean to say that?” I gasped.

A couple kissing | Source: Unsplash

With a little shaking in her hands, Mel took out her phone.

A close-up of a woman who is shocked | Picture from Pixabay
I agree, we didn’t want to believe it either, but we have been watching them. “Here is a picture.”

I got her phone. It was right there.

A man sleeping beside a dog | Source: Unsplash

A picture of my friend and bridesmaid Ellie kissing my fiancé while he holds her tightly.

My world fell apart.

Someone kissing | Source: Unsplash
Tim had been seeing Ellie while he was with me for six months, it turned out.

A woman holding a phone | Source: Pixabay

The next night, I didn’t go back to our room until Tim was asleep on the couch. I locked myself in the bathroom with his phone as soon as I heard his snores filling the living room.

It looks like a man is sleeping next to a dog.
There was plenty of proof. It couldn’t be denied. Pictures, messages, and even movies of Ellie doing things that she had recorded for no reason.

A woman leaning against a wall | Source: Unsplash

It felt close. It was clear that they had a strong bond. More sincere than any promise Tim lied to himself about.

As I read their texts, I felt angry and sad at the same time. But in the middle of everything, an idea started to grow.

A woman with red lipstick and tattoos | Source: Pexels

A woman with a phone | Picture from Pixabay
They were not going to get away with it. What if I wasn’t going to marry Tim in the end? I still wanted to wear my wedding dress.

It was easy. I was angry and wanted everyone to see how bad they really were. But I was crushed.

A shocked woman holding her face | Source: Pixabay

There is a picture of a woman leaning against a wall.
My plan was easy but sneaky. I had cake toppers made just for them from pictures they sent me.

She always wore red lipstick and was proud of the big tattoo on her arm. Ellie also took her little dog Bjorn with her everywhere.

A close-up of a groom | Source: Pixabay

There were a lot of small touches put into the cake toppers.

This picture shows a woman with tattoos and red lipstick.
It would have been clear to everyone when they saw the cake. Even if it wasn’t the guests, Tim and Ellie would know I was telling them the truth.

A bride holding her shoes | Source: Pexels

Now let’s go to the wedding.

“Is that Tim and Ellie on the cake?” Tim’s brother asked.

“Oh my God, it is!” “How could they?” Someone else asked.

A smiling bride | Source: Pexels

A woman who looks shocked and is holding her face | Source: Pixabay
Ellie’s face turned pale, and she spoke slowly.

She began with “Amber.” “Let me explain everything.”

Tim tried to step in, but his words sounded desperate. I had to look at him because he grabbed my hand so hard.

People holding hands | Source: Pexels

A close-up of a groom | Image: Pixabay
He looked at her wide and said, “This isn’t what you think it is.”

It was too late, though. The harm was done. The guests were shocked and disgusted at the same time. I had thought about this for a whole week.

A hotel room with food and wine | Source: Pexels

I knew I wasn’t going to marry the man I loved when I went to my last wedding dress fitting.

A woman with her shoes in her hands | Source: Pexels
I had tried wedding cakes even though I knew my picture wouldn’t be on the cake topper.

I had been in pain for a whole week.

Ellie begged me while holding my hand, “Amber, please let me explain.”

A woman in tears | Source: Pixabay
“I don’t have anything to say, Ellie,” I said, my voice shaking and cold. “Now everyone can see the real you.”

As the guests continued to talk and whisper, I looked at my girls.

I lowered my voice and said, “Thank you.”

A woman sitting on a balcony | Source: Pexels

A happy bride | Source: Pexels
My girls came up to me and gave me a tight hug. We all left at the same time, leaving Ellie and Tim to deal with what they had done. I had no idea what kind of wedding it would be, but there was something special about it.

In the end, it was a day of truth and insight.

Hands-together people | Source: Pexels
Tim had paid for a hotel room for us, so I took my friends there. We were going to stay the night there before our flight to Greece the next morning.

I canceled our plans during the week, though, and got my money back because I planned to go on vacation when things calmed down.

I’m having a coffee on the patio right now while I think about what to do next. I think the fact that Tim and I had been living together makes this the hardest part.

It was a hotel room with food and wine.
Our lives were linked, and now we had to try to separate them.

My plan for how to do it was hazy. Something told me it was time for a new part. Two people I cared about may have died. But I got closer to the other girls who were in my wedding party.

The people who would keep my heart safe from now on.

The picture shows a woman sitting on a balcony.
What would you have done?

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