Martha Stewart, the renowned businesswoman and TV personality, has found herself at the center of a heated debate following her latest Instagram post. The 82-year-old recently shared a photo of herself enjoying a cocktail made with a “small iceberg” while on a cruise to Greenland. Although Stewart likely intended the post to be a harmless and luxurious moment from her travels, it quickly sparked outrage among her followers.
Many fans took to the comments section to express their disappointment and frustration with Stewart’s post. They felt that her use of the iceberg was tone-deaf, especially given the current climate crisis and the melting of ice caps. One user wrote, “Martha, the ice caps are melting, don’t put them in your drink.” Another added, “I generally love Martha, but wealthy white people drinking their iceberg cocktails while the planet is in flames is a bit tone-deaf.”
Stewart’s followers were also quick to point out the hypocrisy of her actions. One user noted, “So, as the climate warms due to the profits of a couple thousand people, billionaires vacation to the melting icebergs, scoop them up, and use them to keep their cocktails cold.” Another user expressed their disappointment, stating, “I’ve been a fan for years, but I’ve seen enough caviar lately as I struggle to buy groceries that I’m out.”
This backlash comes just a few months after Stewart made headlines for posing in a daring swimsuit for the cover of Sports Illustrated. At the time, Stewart, then 81, spoke about her rigorous wellness routine and how she prepared for the photoshoot. However, it seems that her latest Instagram post has struck a different chord with her fans.
What do you think about Martha’s latest Instagram post? Share your thoughts in the comments below.