When her fiancé insists that she pay the meal bill, a lady secretly leaves the restaurant.What happened next?

On Reddit, a woman told her story. She told him that he was making fun of her because she was making more money than him and wanted her to pay the restaurant bill for him and his friends. Her fiancé started to talk about it when she said that her income had gone up by 30%. “My boyfriend and I have been engaged for five months.” We don’t talk about it because he wants money. I got paid more. He’s been asking me to pay for him and his friends, and I can see that he takes advantage of the fact that I make 30% more than him.

“Why should I pay for this?” or “No,” I would ask, and he would always say, “The 30%.” He makes it sound like it’s not fair or like I don’t deserve the 30%.
He had tricked her into paying for meals more than once, so she told him before she left that she would not be paying this time. He has asked me to pay for his and his friend’s meals in public more than once, which I did. To be honest, I’m too nice to say no. I don’t like getting into fights, especially in public places like restaurants, so I just smile and pay.

Tuesday of last week, he invited me and some of his friends to dinner. I told him right away that he shouldn’t expect me to pay for their food, and I wasn’t going to. “I got this” and “don’t worry” were his words.

Her fiancé whispered to her during dinner that she should pay him back, but she didn’t like the idea. “We got to the meal spot. ate dinner with his friends and got to know them. He also whispered to me during lunch that I would pay for anything he and his friends ordered.
I was so angry that I mumbled “no” back, but I think he was counting on me to keep quiet in front of his friends and the public. “Remember, you have enough money to feed everyone,” he told her.

When she lost her cool, she paid her bill and went back home. “I was furious on the inside.” I chose not to get mad and lose my cool. When we ordered our first meal, we split the bill, so I had to wait for theirs to arrive before paying for mine. I then excused myself to go to the bathroom. After that, I sneaked out, got in my car, and drove home.
Then, her fiancé texted and called to ask where she was, and she told him. Suddenly, my fiancé called and texted me to ask where I was. When I replied to his text, I told him how upset I was that he had tricked me into paying for his and his friends’ dinner and how he was to blame. I didn’t answer after telling him I was leaving for home.After an hour, he told me that his friends thought I was acting badly and that he should “think” about what kind of woman he wanted to marry.

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