A young man’s life took an unexpected turn when he discovered his roommate had been using his bed for intimate encounters with his girlfriend. The man, who worked night shifts, had been noticing his bed was messy every time he came home. Determined to find answers, he installed a hidden camera in his bedroom, which revealed the shocking truth.
The man, who remained anonymous, shared his story on Reddit, explaining that he had been living with his roommate for some time. They got along well, and the roommate was not planning to stay in the apartment after college. However, things took a turn when the man started noticing his bed was messy every time he came home from work.
Despite feeling uncomfortable about invading his roommate’s privacy, the man decided to install a hidden camera in his bedroom. He hoped to uncover the truth behind the messy bed. The camera app notified him of motion in the room while he was at work, and upon reviewing the footage, he was stunned.
The footage revealed that his roommate and his girlfriend had been using his bed for intimate encounters. The man was mortified and immediately showed the video to his partner, who was equally shocked. The partner texted the video to the roommate, who responded, saying he’d like to have a little talk about the issue.
The roommate claimed that he and his girlfriend had been using the man’s bed because it was more comfortable than his. However, the man was frustrated and felt that his privacy had been violated. The roommate’s girlfriend was also angry, confronting the man for installing a hidden camera in the bedroom.
The man turned to the online community for advice, asking if he was wrong to install the hidden camera. The response was overwhelming, with many commenters siding with the man and deeming him “NTA” (not the a**hole). Several users expressed anger and frustration at the roommate and condemned him and his girlfriend for invading the man’s space and violating his privacy.
The incident highlights the importance of respecting people’s boundaries and privacy. The man’s decision to install a hidden camera may have been controversial, but it ultimately revealed the truth and allowed him to take action.