A Petty Revenge on Christmas Day

A Reddit user, known as theantigrinch, shared a story about how he decided to be petty during Christmas. He had bought his nine-year-old daughter several gifts, including three big ones and three smaller ones. However, his mother-in-law became outraged when she found out, saying that the child didn’t deserve that many presents.

The grandmother had promised to buy her granddaughter a doll, but she decided to take it away as a lesson to the child that you can’t always get what you want. The child’s father understood the lesson, but he felt that Christmas was a day to spoil his child. Unfortunately, his wife sided with her mother, and the father felt frustrated.

In a petty move, the father decided to remove the expensive designer bag he had bought for his mother-in-law and replace it with a cheaper robe. When she opened her gift, she was disappointed and asked if that was all she was getting. The father confirmed it was and apologized if he had disappointed her, but he said that sometimes people can’t get the gifts they want.

The mother-in-law and wife were extremely furious, but the father felt that he had made the right decision. He shared his story on Reddit, asking if he was in the wrong. Many users supported him, saying that his mother-in-law was mean and entitled. Some even suggested that he should have given the designer bag to his daughter instead.

The story raises questions about the dynamics of family relationships and the importance of setting boundaries. Was the father right to deprive his mother-in-law of her Christmas present? Or was he just being petty?

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