Graduation: A Celebration for All

Imagine how exciting it would be to graduate from college and have Jerry Seinfeld talk at your ceremony. It was a great moment for most Duke grads. Some people did leave during his speech, though, because he is a Jewish comic. It was funny that they missed a chance to hear a famous actor criticize left-wing, politically correct nonsense at this protest.

Most of the kids cheered for Seinfeld. Many people thought that leaving such an event would be rude and silly. Be polite to your college and fellow grads, even if you don’t think he’s funny. No one but a small group of protesters should be happy about graduation.

The protesters destroyed not only their own experience but also the ceremony for other people by leaving. They didn’t like the speaker, right? Being there for an hour would have been the least they could do after all the hard work they put in over the years.

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