In a heart-stopping display of bravery, a man risked his own life to save a chimpanzee from drowning at the Detroit Zoo in 1990. The dramatic rescue has become an iconic moment in zoo history, showcasing the power of human instinct and compassion.
The chimpanzee, named Jo-Jo, had fallen into the moat surrounding his enclosure while being chased by another, more aggressive chimpanzee. As onlookers watched in horror, Jo-Jo struggled to stay afloat, his fear and panic evident on his face.
One of those witnesses was Rick Swope, a 33-year-old truck driver who was visiting the zoo with his wife and three children. Without hesitation, Rick sprang into action, diving into the water to rescue Jo-Jo.
What makes Rick’s actions even more remarkable is that he was aware of the risks involved. Chimpanzees are known to possess five times the strength of humans, and Jo-Jo was a powerful 200-pound adult. Moreover, the enclosure was home to a large group of chimpanzees, any of whom could have turned hostile at any moment.
Undeterred, Rick fought to keep Jo-Jo’s head above water, eventually managing to pull him to safety. The rescue was far from easy, with Rick losing control of Jo-Jo at one point, only to regain his grip and complete the rescue.
As Jo-Jo emerged from the water, battered but alive, Rick’s family watched in awe. “He was looking at me,” Rick recalled in an interview with the Chicago Tribune. “I think he knew what was happening.”
Rick’s heroic actions that day have become a testament to the human spirit’s capacity for compassion and bravery. His selfless act not only saved Jo-Jo’s life but also inspired countless others with his courage and kindness.