Valerie Bertinelli, the talented actress and Food Network star, has recently opened up about her painful past and her journey to healing and self-love. In a heartfelt TikTok video, Bertinelli shared her experience of being “mercilessly mocked” by a former partner for her weight.
The actress revealed that she had been triggered by an old pair of jeans, which brought back painful memories of her past relationship. However, instead of letting those memories hold her back, Bertinelli chose to laugh and make light of the situation.
Bertinelli explained that the emotional, verbal, and mental abuse she suffered in her past relationship had left her with “hidden bruises” that still affect her today. However, she emphasized that she is grateful for the healing work she has been doing, which has allowed her to move forward and find closure.
The actress’s brave decision to speak out about her experiences comes just days after she discussed her divorce and the process of healing from emotional pain. Bertinelli filed for divorce from her ex-husband Tom Vitale in 2022, and has since been focused on her own healing and growth.
Bertinelli’s message to those who may be going through similar experiences is one of hope and resilience. “This is called moving on,” she said. “This is called healing.” Her bravery and vulnerability are an inspiration to many, and a reminder that healing is possible, no matter what challenges we may face.