Expert Says Parents Should Ask Babies For Consent Before Changing Diapers

There is a new idea that is shaking up the world of parenting: asking babies for permission before changing their diapers. In this world, dirty diapers are as common as cuddles. This idea has caused both interest and debate, and many people are still scratching their heads.

Here comes Deanne Carson, who calls herself an expert on teaching about sexuality. She makes the bold claim that parents should start talking about consent with their child from the very start of their life. Carson says that even babies can gain from a culture of consent, which may sound strange.

Carson gave her ideas on how to teach this idea to kids when she made a famous appearance on ABC. She talks a lot about how important nonverbal cues, especially eye contact, are for showing that a child’s opinion is valued. Even though babies can’t talk yet, Carson says that a moment of anticipation and nonverbal communication can help parents and children build a respectful connection.

A “sexuality expert” says parents should get their baby’s permission before changing their diaper.

Yes, really… iR6wUfP87i on Twitter

— Sunrise May 10, 2018 (@sunriseon7)

But, as with any difficult idea, some people don’t believe it. Many people online wonder if it’s even possible to get permission from a baby who doesn’t understand what’s going on. Some even joke about how silly it is to expect a baby to be able to talk.

At this point, John Rosemond, another parenting expert, joins the argument against high-fiving kids, which seems like a harmless thing to do. Rosemond says that actions like these weaken parental power and respect, which can lead to kids not following rules in the future.

What happens if the child says no? Still do it? Wow, that’s the real issue now

Tweet by Glenda (@TweetsbyGlenda) May 10, 2018

At the very least, she has never wrestled a child while changing its diaper, or even worse, she just left hers in a dirty diaper until it was ready to say yes. Gosh.

On May 11, 2018, Michael Lyten (@lytening67) said

— (@feather1952) May 10, 2018

In a world where every choice parents make seems to matter, these conversations show how hard it is to raise kids. Every action and exchange between a parent and child shapes the relationship between them. This includes things like getting permission to change a child’s diaper and giving a high five.

So, what do you think? Are we thinking too much about parenting, or are these talks necessary to build decent relationships? One thing is clear: parenting is not easy, even though the argument goes on. There will be shocks, problems, and yes, even dirty diapers along the way. But no matter what, one thing is certain: we will always be trying to understand and get better.

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