Demi Moore, the 60-year-old actress, has been making headlines with her recent bikini photos. The “Ghost” star was spotted enjoying a vacation in Greece, where she was seen floating on a purple noodle in the Mediterranean Sea. Demi’s perfect skin was on display in her sage green bikini, which consisted of a halter-top and V-bottom.
While some fans praised Demi’s confidence and beauty, others were quick to criticize her body. Some commenters called her “skinny” and “flabby,” while others pointed out her “wrinkles and cellulite.” One fan even told her to “put her clothes on,” referring to her as “Granny.”
Despite the negative comments, Demi’s supporters defended her, saying she looks “amazing” and that people should not “nitpick” her body. One fan pointed out that Demi did not pose for the paparazzi, and that they were the ones who took invasive photos of her.
Demi’s recent photos are not the only thing that has been making headlines. The actress has been enjoying her new role as a grandmother to her daughter Rumer’s baby, Louetta. Demi has been spotted spending time with her granddaughter and her family, and seems to be loving every moment of it.
Demi’s confidence and beauty are truly inspiring, and she proves that age is just a number. Despite the criticism she faced, Demi continues to wear bikinis and enjoy her life to the fullest.