A woman from Port Arthur, Texas, recently shared a heartwarming story on Facebook that has gone viral. She explained how she ran out of gas on her way home from work and was stranded on a busy road. As she tried to push her car, many vehicles honked at her, but no one stopped to help.
Just when she thought all hope was lost, a group of soldiers and a kind stranger appeared out of nowhere to lend a hand. The soldiers, who seemed to come from nowhere, pushed her car all the way to a nearby gas station. The woman was overwhelmed with gratitude and asked if she could take their picture to share their good deed with others.
At the gas station, a man jumped out of his truck and offered the soldiers $100 to buy themselves a meal. However, they politely declined, saying they were just doing what they were raised to do. The man then filled up the woman’s gas tank and told her to keep the money she had in her pocket.
The woman’s Facebook post has been shared over 10,000 times, touching the hearts of many. Her story is a reminder that there are still good people in the world who are willing to lend a helping hand. As she so eloquently put it, “When you are a child of God, no matter what obstacles are placed in your way, the Lord always has a ram in the bush.”