The Hidden Dangers of Social Media Addiction

In today’s digital age, it’s easy to get sucked into the vortex of social media. We mindlessly scroll through our feeds, comparing our lives to the curated highlight reels of others. But have you ever stopped to think about the impact this behavior is having on your brain?

According to expert Ana Lembke, who specializes in addiction medicine, social media can be just as addictive as drugs. The constant stream of likes, comments, and shares triggers the release of dopamine, the brain’s happy hormone. But this can lead to an imbalance in dopamine levels, causing us to crave more and more screen time.

Doomscrolling has become the norm in society but almost all of us will confess that we actually don't want to have our heads in our phones (Getty stock)

When we’re addicted to social media, we can experience withdrawal symptoms like anxiety and cravings when we try to cut back. But Lembke says that taking a break from social media can allow our brains to reset and rebalance our reward pathways.

So, how long do we need to abstain from social media to see a positive impact? Lembke recommends trying to reach four weeks, but even a few days can be beneficial. A study of 65 girls aged 10-19 found that those who took a three-day break from social media reported having more self-confidence.

Social media can be as addictive as taking drugs (Getty stock)

As we detox from social media, we may experience feelings of disconnection and anxiety. But research has shown that these feelings can be alleviated by connecting with others in person or through group chats.

Sarah Woodruff, co-author of The Social Media Detox, found that limiting social media usage to just 30 minutes a day can have numerous benefits, including reduced smartphone and social media addiction, as well as improved mental and physical health.

So, take the challenge and try to limit your social media usage. Your brain – and your mental health – will thank you.

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