In a heartwarming turn of events, a 14-year-old girl named Emmarae Gervasi, who had been missing for almost a month, was found alive and safe by her father, Frank Gervasi. The family’s relief and joy were palpable as they were finally reunited.
Emmarae’s disappearance on December 9 had left her family and community in a state of panic. She was last seen getting into a vehicle without a jacket or shoes in the pouring rain. Her family, along with local police officers, conducted widespread searches, but to no avail.
Frank, determined to find his daughter, took to social media to search for clues and leads. He also put up a $10,000 reward for anyone who could provide information about her whereabouts. After receiving several unusual phone calls from unknown numbers, Frank finally received an anonymous tip-off that led him to his daughter’s location.
The tip-off revealed that Emmarae was on a large boat docked on Long Island. Frank immediately followed up on the lead and found his daughter alive and safe. He recounted the moment he found her, saying, “It was the end of 26 days of hell seeing her alive in my arms. It was a gift from God.”
Emmarae is currently receiving treatment in hospital, while investigators continue to examine the case. Frank expressed his gratitude to the community for their support during the search party. He also emphasized the importance of persistence and community involvement in bringing missing children home.
The family believes that Emmarae initially went off with someone she knew but was too scared to come back home. They also suspect that she was picked up by a stranger who took her to a trailer park and then the boat. Emmarae had reportedly struggled with drug addiction in the past and had left home before, but never for so long.
Her mother, Melissa Dervay, expressed her relief and joy, saying, “The moment I heard her voice and knew she was OK, I felt a weight lifted off my body. I’ve been so tense for the past four weeks, quietly fighting a battle. Now, I’m elated. I feel light, and I just want to scream, ‘She’s OK. She’s been found.'”