Mark Cropp, a 19-year-old father from New Zealand, has been making headlines recently due to his desperate plea for a job. His story, however, goes beyond just his job search. It’s a tale of redemption, self-discovery, and the challenges of overcoming a troubled past.
Mark’s journey began when he turned to social media to express his frustration about being unable to find a job due to his face tattoo. The tattoo, which reads “DEVAST8,” was designed by his brother while they were both in jail. It was meant to be a small tattoo, but after drinking homebrew, they got carried away, and the tattoo became a defining feature of Mark’s appearance.
Despite receiving 45 job offers, Mark is still waiting for the right opportunity to come along. He’s being selective, wanting to ensure that the job aligns with his values and goals. Mark’s partner, Taneia Ruki, has been supportive throughout his journey, and he’s grateful to have her by his side.
Mark’s past is marked by violence and trouble with the law. He spent time in jail, where he got the face tattoo. However, since his release two weeks ago, Mark has been determined to turn his life around. He’s learned from his mistakes and is committed to making a positive change.
The face tattoo, which was once a symbol of his troubled past, is now a reminder of the mistakes he’s made. Mark has decided to get the tattoo removed through laser therapy, which will be a painful process. However, he’s willing to endure the pain to start anew.
Mark’s story is a testament to the human spirit’s capacity for growth and redemption. Despite facing numerous challenges, he’s determined to create a better life for himself and his family. As he navigates this new chapter, Mark is learning to balance his past with his present, and his future looks brighter than ever.