Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, recently shared a touching conversation she had with her two-year-old daughter Princess Lilibet during their first trip abroad since stepping down from royal duties. The tender moment was revealed during the Duchess’s visit to the Lightway Academy in Nigeria, where she spoke to a kindergarten class.
Meghan fondly recalled a conversation she had with Lilibet, saying, “Our daughter, Lili, she’s much, much tinier than you guys… She will turn three soon.” She then shared a poignant moment when Lilibet looked at her and said, “Mama, I see myself in you.” Meghan acknowledged that her daughter was speaking literally, but she interpreted the words in a more profound way, thinking, “Yes, I do see myself in you, and you see me in you.”
The Duchess’s words were not limited to her conversation with Lilibet. She also spoke to the kindergarten class, saying, “As I look around this room, I see myself in all of you as well.” The moment was a heartwarming expression of the connection between Meghan and her daughter, as well as the sense of community she felt with the children at the academy.
Meghan and her husband, Prince Harry, have been mindful of keeping their personal life out of the public eye. However, they occasionally offer glimpses into their family life. During their visit to the Lightway Academy, the couple participated in singing and dance lessons with the children and played games with them. Meghan even revealed that Lilibet’s favorite class is music, joking, “Perhaps it’s all the hopping around.”
In a recent interview, Prince Harry spoke fondly of their children, saying, “The kids are doing great… They both have an amazing sense of humor and make us laugh and keep us grounded every single day like most kids do.” The Duke of Sussex expressed his gratitude for being a father, and it is clear that both he and Meghan cherish their role as parents to their two children, Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet.