A man attended his high school reunion with his wife, expecting a night of nostalgia and catching up with old friends. However, the evening took an unexpected turn when his wife noticed him staring at a beautiful woman sitting at a nearby table, sipping gin.
The woman’s stunning appearance and inebriated state seemed to have captivated the husband’s attention. His wife, feeling a mix of surprise and curiosity, turned to him and asked, “Do you know her?”
The husband’s response was a mix of pain and regret. “Yes,” he said, “she’s my ex-wife.” He went on to explain that she had started drinking heavily after their divorce seven years ago and hadn’t stopped since.
The wife’s eyes widened in shock, and she exclaimed, “My God!” The husband’s witty remark, “Who would have thought someone could continue to celebrate for that long?” added a touch of humor to the awkward situation.