In a classroom filled with bright and eager students, a teacher decided to challenge their creativity with a unique word game. The task was simple: come up with words that end in “tor” and have a voracious appetite for goods. The students were excited to participate, and their inventive answers did not disappoint.
The first student to raise their hand confidently shouted, “Alligator!” The teacher was impressed with the student’s bold choice, and the class applauded their creativity. The next student to contribute was just as enthusiastic, exclaiming, “Predator!” The teacher praised the student’s impressive vocabulary, and the class eagerly awaited the next response.
That’s when Little Johnny, known for his mischievous grin and quick wit, piped up with a sly tone, “Miss, v***ator.” The classroom erupted into giggles, and the teacher struggled to maintain her composure.
Once the laughter subsided, the teacher explained that while Johnny’s word was indeed big, it didn’t actually consume anything. But Johnny was not deterred. With a confident smirk, he explained, “Well, my sister has one, and she says it eats batteries like there’s no tomorrow!” The classroom burst into laughter once again, and the teacher couldn’t help but be impressed by Johnny’s clever response.