Sandra Bullock has shared a touching story about Keanu Reeves, her Speed co-star, that showcases his thoughtful and listening nature. The two actors, both 57, first met on the set of the 1994 film and have remained close friends ever since.
Bullock recalled a conversation they had about Champagne and truffles, in which she mentioned that she had never tried them. To her surprise, Reeves showed up at her doorstep a few days later with a thoughtful gift – a basket containing Champagne, truffles, and flowers.
Reeves’ kind gesture was not just a surprise, but also a testament to his exceptional listening skills. Bullock told Esquire that Reeves has a unique ability to listen and respond thoughtfully, which can sometimes be unsettling. She remembered how she would often try to fill silences in their conversations, only to be met with Reeves’ quiet and introspective nature.
Bullock also shared how Reeves would sometimes respond to their conversations days later, with a thoughtful note or gift. This unique approach to communication has left a lasting impression on Bullock, who has come to appreciate Reeves’ distinctive personality.
Although Bullock and Reeves never pursued a romantic relationship, she believes that they could have made a good couple. She praised Reeves’ ability to maintain positive relationships with his former partners, saying that he is a rare individual who can do so.
Bullock’s heartfelt tribute to Reeves is a testament to their enduring friendship, which has spanned over two decades. Despite never having a romantic relationship, they have continued to support and appreciate each other, both personally and professionally.